How to Evaluate Developer Skills Before Hiring

Hiring a developer can be a challenging task, especially when trying to ensure they have the right skills for the job.

It’s not just about finding someone who can code; it’s about finding the right fit for your company’s needs and culture. Evaluating developer skills before hiring is crucial to building a strong, efficient, and productive team. 

In this article, we will explore various methods and strategies you can use to effectively assess the skills of a developer before making a hiring decision.

1. Define the required skills and experience

The first step in evaluating developer skills is to clearly define what you are looking for. This involves creating a detailed job description that outlines the required skills, experience, and responsibilities for the position.

Consider the following:

  • Technical skills: Specify the programming languages, frameworks, and tools that are essential for the role. For example, if you are hiring for a front-end developer, you might require expertise in JavaScript, React, or Angular.
  • Experience level: Determine the level of experience needed. Are you looking for a junior developer with a year or two of experience, or do you need a senior developer with a decade of experience in the industry?
  • Soft skills: Developers often work in teams, so soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and the ability to work collaboratively are important.
  • Project experience: Think about the types of projects the candidate should have worked on. For instance, have they worked on large-scale applications or in a startup environment?

Having a clear idea of what you need will help you create effective assessment criteria.

2. Screen resumes and portfolios

Once you start receiving applications, the next step is to screen resumes and portfolios.

Look for:

  • Relevant experience: Check if the candidate’s previous job roles align with your requirements. Have they worked with similar technologies or projects?
  • Project portfolio: A good developer should have a portfolio of projects they have worked on. This could be open-source contributions, personal projects, or work they’ve done for previous employers. Evaluate the quality, complexity, and relevance of these projects.
  • Educational background: While not always a decisive factor, the educational background can provide some insight into the candidate’s foundation in computer science and programming.

3. Conduct a phone or video interview

A phone or video interview is a great way to get to know the candidate and assess their communication skills. During this interview, focus on:

  • Technical questions: Ask them to describe their experience with the technologies you require. For example, if you need someone with Python experience, ask them about their past Python projects and challenges they’ve faced.
  • Problem-solving abilities: Present them with hypothetical scenarios related to your business needs and ask how they would approach solving the problem.
  • Cultural fit: Gauge their interest in your company and whether their values align with your team’s culture. Are they passionate about the kind of work your company does?

4. Technical assessment

Technical assessments are a direct way to evaluate a developer’s coding skills. There are several approaches you can take:

Coding tests

Coding tests are standardized tests that can assess a candidate’s knowledge of specific programming languages, algorithms, and problem-solving abilities. Tools like HackerRank, Codility, and LeetCode offer pre-built tests for various skill levels and programming languages.

Custom coding challenges

Create a custom coding challenge based on the kind of work the candidate would be doing if hired. For example, if you need a back-end developer, ask them to build a simple API or a small application that interacts with a database.

Take-home projects

Provide a take-home project that the candidate can work on in their own time. This allows them to showcase their skills without the pressure of a timed test. Make sure the project is relevant to the job and not too time-consuming. For instance, you could ask a front-end developer to create a small user interface component using a specific framework.

5. Evaluate code quality

Once you receive the candidate’s code from the technical assessment, it’s important to evaluate the quality of their work. Consider the following aspects:

  • Code readability: Is the code easy to read and understand? Good developers write code that is clean and well-documented.
  • Code efficiency: Check if the code is optimized for performance. Does it use efficient algorithms and data structures?
  • Scalability: Analyze whether the code is designed in a way that can be easily scaled or modified in the future.
  • Testing: Good developers write tests for their code. Check if they have included unit tests or other forms of testing to ensure the quality of their code.

6. Pair programming session

Pair programming is a collaborative approach where the candidate works with a member of your team on a coding task. This method can be highly effective in assessing a candidate’s technical skills, problem-solving approach, and communication abilities.

  • Collaboration: Observe how well the candidate collaborates with your team member. Are they able to communicate their thought process clearly and take feedback constructively?
  • Problem-solving: Evaluate how the candidate approaches the problem. Are they able to break down the task into manageable parts and solve it systematically?
  • Adaptability: See how the candidate responds to suggestions and unexpected challenges. A good developer should be able to adapt and think on their feet.

7. Assess soft skills

While technical skills are crucial, soft skills play an equally important role in a developer’s success. Developers often work in teams and interact with different stakeholders. Assess the following:

  • Communication: Can the candidate explain complex technical concepts in a simple and clear manner? This is particularly important when they need to communicate with non-technical stakeholders.
  • Teamwork: Has the candidate worked in collaborative environments before? Ask about their experiences working in teams and handling conflicts.
  • Problem-solving: Developers often encounter roadblocks. Ask how they handle challenges and setbacks. Do they persevere and find creative solutions?
  • Time management: Developers often juggle multiple tasks. Assess their ability to prioritize and manage their time effectively.

8. Check references

Speaking to a candidate’s previous employers or colleagues can provide valuable insights into their work ethic, skills, and professional behavior. Ask specific questions like:

  • How did the candidate contribute to the projects they worked on?
  • What are their strengths and areas for improvement?
  • How do they handle deadlines and pressure?

9. Offer a trial period

If you’re still unsure about a candidate’s fit, consider offering a trial period. This could be a short-term contract or a probationary period during which the candidate works on real projects with your team.

This gives you a firsthand look at their skills, work style, and how well they integrate with your team.

10. Make a data-driven decision

After evaluating all aspects of the candidate’s skills and fit, use a data-driven approach to make your hiring decision. Create a scoring system that weighs different factors like technical skills, communication abilities, and cultural fit.

This will help you objectively compare candidates and choose the best one for the role.


Evaluating developer skills before hiring is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning and execution.

By defining clear requirements, conducting thorough assessments, and evaluating both technical and soft skills, you can make informed decisions that lead to successful hires.

Remember, hiring the right developer is not just about finding someone who can code; it’s about finding someone who can contribute positively to your team and help your company grow. Take the time to thoroughly evaluate each candidate, and you’ll build a strong development team that can tackle any challenge.

PS – make sure to check out TestGorilla. It will allow you to screen and identify the best candidates.

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